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Advantages of Cryopen Treatment Aylesbury

What Is Cryopen Treatment For Cherry Angioma removal Aylesbury?

Do You Want A Pain Free Solution?

Cherry Angioma are small red dots, ruby points, or blood spots. These are made of a cluster of small capillaries at the skin’s surface. As this grows older, this tends to expand in terms of thickness and might take on the rounded and raised shape of the dome. They can be found in the different parts of the body.

Now It Can Be A Reality!

They can range in different colours from bright red up to purple. Many individuals develop these small red dots some due to genetics.

These dots appear in early adulthood, but to increase as the person approaches their 40s. They are considered harmless and painless.
Removal Made Easy with Cryopen Aylesbury

Red small dots are considered harmless and painless. Removal is now made easy with CryoPen. These typically turns dark as they heal, but after a single CryoPen treatment, these heal beautifully.

CryoPen is state of the art treatment utilizing extreme cold which is also referred to as cryotherapy to safely and painlessly destroy benign, superficial and unwanted lesions in the skin’s surface such as skin tags, warts,  verrucae, cherry angiomas, millia and more.

Skin tag, age spots, vascular lesions, sun damage, broken capillaries and moles removed sun exposure and medical concern should all be included with regards to treatment options. sSkin tags can be removed by nitrous oxide with cryopen.

Skin tags campbell de morgan spots and angiomas causes are unknown; however, there may be genetic factors which make individuals more likely to develop or get them.

These small red spots are also linked to exposure to certain chemicals, pregnancy, climate, and particular medical conditions. With cryopen blood vessels are frozen safely.

These have also been linked to age. These often start to appear when people reach the age of 30 to 40 years old and tend to increase in number and size with age. A study revealed that over 75% of individuals aging 75 years old and above. 

Cryosurgery : 

This type of treatment involves freezing the angioma or skin tags with the use of liquid nitrogen. The intense cold will destroy the red spots. This treatment method is widely known for being a relatively easy and quick procedure.

Even a single session of cryosurgery works; the liquid nitrogen is sprayed for only 10 seconds. There is very little after care needed and because of the accuracy of our CryoPen it is a very low risk procedure.

CryoPen is an effective medical procedure that works. This procedure is also safe and can be performed in just a few minutes.

  Does it hurt? 

No, anaesthesia is not required and the procedure is virtually painless.

Call Us Now If You’re Considering Cherry Angioma Removal with Cryopen

We strongly believe that everyone deserves to have access to quality, safe, and effective solutions to skin imperfections. We promise that you will experience and enjoy such access and the best treatments as well.